Tuesday, November 9, 2010


What does promise really mean??? The word 'PROMISE' will differs from each individual. Not sure about others, when making a promise, I tried my best to fulfill my promise made. Though i might had give a biggest disappoint to my dad for not fulfilling my promise to him, but I still trying my hardest to it. Even promises made between me and my friends, no matter how hard to fulfill the promise, I keep giving my best effort to fulfill so.

But WHY??? Why most of the promises my friends made to me, not even one is being fulfilled??? Many just like to make fake and empty promises just to give you hope to look forward to. But when time passes, they just ignore or forgotten all their promises. End up, it is just a piece of DISAPPOINTMENT in return. It's right as one of my friend's sayings;

'A promise means everything. But once it's broken, sorry means nothing'

Then, what is the point making all these promises??? Perhaps they should start thinking, if they not able to fulfill such promise, DON'T EVEN BOTHER to make your promise. Sorry really means nothing when promise is broken in the end.

~ CK ~

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